Grand Prix Races | Grand Prix Rules 


GFRC Grand Prix Standings

2021-2022 TRAIL Series Final Standings

Women Points # of Races
Men  Points # of Races
McCabe, Abby
100 4
Hattem, Jeff
190 11
Ericson, Sue

Joyce, John
175 7
Forman, Amy

Adrian Forde
100 4
Hu, Rong
David Achenbach
96 4
Galloway, Deb
48 3

Steve Galloway
73 4
Taylor-Carlson, Susin
48 2
Arnie Pollinger
Cameron, Julie
Glenn Meister
50 2
Arnold, Melissa
Eric Jacobson
47 2
Divari, Katya
25 1
Tim Conlin
Li, Hailing
24 1
Matt Vogel
24 1
Li, Hongye
23 1
Mike Carlson
23 1

Joe Koziol
23 1

2021-2022 ROAD Series Final Standings


Women Points  # of Races
Men Points  # of Races
Susin Carlson 185 8
John Joyce 212 9
Mary Tyler 169 10
Edw Ginsberg 206 10
Sue Richardson(m) 155 9
Scott Pettingell 146 9
Amy Forman (mm) 142 8
Glenn Meister 134 6
Sue Ericson 126 7
Mike Carlson 130 6
Abby McCabe 98 4
Bob Cargill 115 5
Carol Leiter 86 4
Bob Mayer 96 4
Michelle Schatz 85 5
Ted Tyler 85 4
Lisa Burgess 72 5
Arnie Pollinger 75 4
Amy Pearl 66 4
Vernon Turner 73 6
Jen Feaster 66 4
Mark Goldschmidt 72 3
Salma Pettingell 60 3
Tom Abbott 51 3
Rong Hu 49 3
Jared Nussbaum 49 2
Phyllis Lowry 47 2
Joe Kozial 44 2
Wendy Akeson 44 2
Mike Bower 44 3
Jeanne Bizzoco 40 2
Mike McDonald 24 1
Karolyn Welch 40 2
Bob Moore 23 2
Haihong Li 39 2
Ed Crowley 23 1
Cindy Moore 38 3
Keith Tully 23 1
Maddie Burgess 38 3
Jon Rice 22 1
Amy Bizzoco 37 2
HC Rhim 21 1
Andrea Leonard 25 1
Kevin Green 21 1
Erin McArdle 25 1
Jingsong Wang 21 1
Sarah Tully 25 1
Joe Kynoch 20 1
Katya Divari 24 1
Rob Laprel 19 1
Kendra Howard 24 1
Steve Galloway 19 1
Yunyu Zhang 24 1
William Wang 18 1
Abby Burgess 21 1
Bill Robertson 17 1
Edith Zhang 20 1
John Xueqing 17 1
Deb Galloway 18 1
Jim Wilcox 16 1
Alison Courchesne 15 1
Alex Lowry 17 1
Alison Welch 15 1
Dan Silverman 15 1
Amber Welch 15 1
David Welch 17 1
Bethany Robertson 15 1
Gerard Lowry 15 1
Cherry Baram 15 1
Joe Tosi 15 1
Emma Lowry 15 1
Mike Gannon 15 1
Esther Powell 15 1
Rich Leonard 15 1
Hannah Levine 15 1
Sam LeHardy 15 1
Jackie Judd 15 1
Tim Conlin 15 1
Judy Levine 15 1
Tony Sicliano 15 1

(m)(h)(u) = Points Received for a Marathon, Half Marathon, or Ultra (see Grand Prix Rules). # of Races may include non-scoring GP races (multiple races in one month).